The 3 Keys to Navigating BIG EMOTIONS with CALM + CONFIDENCE

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We are sorry that you weren't able to register at this time. Due to limited seating, we have to cap this event at a certain number of people. Please register for the waitlist and we will send you a ticket automatically when a space opens up. -Vanessa Callaghan, MEd.

The 3 Keys to Navigating BIG EMOTIONS with CALM + CONFIDENCE

Learn how to STAY CALM in the middle of BIG EMOTIONS while supporting your child’s social and emotional growth.

By Vanessa Callaghan

Date and time

Saturday, May 14, 2022 · 9:30 - 11am PDT



About this event

We’re excited to bring Raising Our Resilience’s most popular workshop to Nia House… and it's FREE! Join lead parent empowerment coach and founder, Vanessa Callaghan, MEd., for this virtual workshop on May 14th from 9:30-11am, PDT.

Learn how to STAY CALM in the middle of BIG EMOTIONS while supporting your child’s social and emotional growth. This training will help you not only survive tough parenting moments at any age, but will also help you build more intimacy, resilience, and trust in your relationship as you learn key insights into bringing social and emotional learning (SEL) home.

Space is limited!

What are we learning? How to…

  • Coach your child through their big emotions
  • Teach your child self-regulation tools and other key SEL strategies
  • Keep your cool during tough moments
  • Build a stronger relationship with your child
  • Plus, avoid the #1 mistake parents make during tough, emotional parenting moments

...all while staying calm, kind, and connected.

What is it?

An online workshop with Vanessa Callaghan, MEd. “3 Keys to Navigating BIG EMOTIONS with CALM + CONFIDENCE” hosted by Nia House.

Who is it for?

Nia House parents and caregivers (and their friends!) who are seeking tools and strategies to navigate meltdowns, tantrums, power struggles, and other big emotions with more ease and confidence so that they can coach their children to be more emotionally resilient and self-aware.

When is it?

Saturday, May 14th

The Workshop will be held from 9:30 - 11:00am.

Where is it?

We’ll be in a virtual Zoom Room.

How do I sign up?


Who is the presenter? Vanessa Callaghan, MEd. is a proven educator known for her refreshingly honest, hands-on, and personal approach. At Raising Our Resilience, she empowers parents struggling with their children's challenging behaviors to find the calm, confidence, and tools they need to build a lifelong relationship with their children based on love, respect, and appreciation. She is the lead coach and course creator of The Family Foundations Immersion, a yearlong academy for parents. Learn more here:

Ready to navigate meltdowns, tantrums, power struggles, and other big emotions with more ease and confidence? When you coach yourself and your child to be more emotionally resilient, the whole family can weather tough circumstances and you can enjoy your time together, while the kids are still under your roof. (And the time flies by!)

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